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Acupuncture is an ancient technique that has become popular all over the world due to its ability to safely and effectively treat a wide variety of conditions. 

Our clinic focuses on providing acupuncture care for individuals struggling with headaches, migraines, stress, anxiety, insomnia, and chronic pain (example: low back pain, knee pain). The technique involves the use of small, thin, filiform (solid) needles to stimulate points on the body. These points are carefully chosen based on the individuals symptoms. The goal is to achieve balance and allow the body to heal. Acupuncture can also be used preventatively to maintain good health and promote a long and happy life.

Cupping Therapy

Cupping Therapy has been used for thousands of years as a way to release musculo-skeletal tension, detox the body to boost energy, and treat the common cold. Cupping creates a suction on the underlying tissues, creating space between the muscle and fascia, and increases blood flow to the area. Cupping is often combined with acupuncture, although it can be used individually for specific complaints.

GuaSha Therapy

GuaSha Therapy has similar effects to cupping, however, the technique uses a round tool to massage the musculature, break up adhesions within the connective tissue, and stimulate the immune system. GuaSha is often combined with acupuncture, although it can be used individually for specific complaints.


Electro-Acupuncture is similar to traditional acupuncture with the addition of  electrodes that deliver a gentle current attached to the needles at specific points.

Electro-acupuncture can be used for a wide variety of concerns; is it especially useful in cases of neurological conditions, chronic pain, musculo-skeletal imbalances, and certain internal or mental-emotional disorders (insomnia, depression, etc.). The sensation of the gentle current is most often described as a light vibration or tapping. 

Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicine uses the pharmacologic properties of plants to bring balance back to the body. 

Chinese herbal medicine uses combinations of herbs to create formulas that treat specific patterns of imbalance. Herbal Medicine is a gentle and safe treatment strategy that has a multitude of benefits. It is a great addition to acupuncture and is a powerful tool all on its own.

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