


What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is an ancient technique that has been used for thousands of years to treat disease and promote health and well-being. 

Acupuncture, one branch of Chinese Medicine, relies on the principle that symptoms reveal an underlying pattern of imbalance. Treating the pattern of imbalance, or root of the problem, allows the body to heal. 

Acupuncture uses fine, filiform (solid) needles to stimulate combinations of points on the body. These combinations create specific effects focused on correcting the underlying cause (pattern) for the patient’s concern, as well as relieving the present symptoms. 

What can acupuncture treat?

Acupuncture is a safe and effective treatment for many different conditions. The World Health Organization recognizes over 100 conditions that acupuncture can treat. The short list of complaints most commonly seen in practice are:

Low back pain, spine pain, neck pain, sciatica, shoulder pain, carpal tunnel, knee pain, neuropathy, insomnia, stress, anxiety, fibromyalgia, depression, headaches, migraines, PTSD, infertility, menstrual disorders, erectile dysfunction, diarrhea, constipation, IBS, Crohns disease, ulcerative colitis, common cold, cough, addictions (including nicotine), and endocrine imbalances. 

Acupuncture is a wide reaching therapy; the list of conditions that can be treated is much longer than what is written here. If you have questions about your individual concerns, feel free to call, text, or email us!

I'm afraid of needles. Does acupuncture hurt?

Fear of needles is extremely common and is something acupuncturists deal with every day. Despite this very prevalent fear, most people find acupuncture to be painless and relaxing. The needles used are solid and very thin. As a comparison, depending on the needle gauge used, approximately six to twenty acupuncture needles can fit inside of one hypodermic needle! 

The overall sensation of an acupuncture treatment is very mild and most patients even find it relaxing. There should not be any sharp or burning sensation (like what you would experience with an injection or blood draw). Most patients describe the sensation of stimulation with an acupuncture needle as very gentle and sometimes dull, achy, or distending in nature. There is rarely bleeding with withdrawal of the needle, and acupuncture is safe even for patients taking blood thinning medication. 

Is acupuncture safe?

Acupuncture is very safe when practiced by a licensed professional. The needles are sterile and single use only, and are disposed of in a sharps medical waste container after each treatment. 

There are generally no side effects from an acupuncture treatment, as it is a gentle, minimally invasive strategy to help improve the health and well-being of the individual. Although side effects are uncommon, they occasionally include things such as mild discomfort at the needle insertion site, slight bruising, and/or itching after needle withdrawal. These are mild inconveniences, and treatment will be adjusted to avoid them in future sessions.

Your safety and well-being is our primary concern and if you have any questions before or after your treatment feel free to contact us!

How many treatments will I need? How often?

Acupuncture can achieve quick results, however each individual and their concern will respond differently. Although it is impossible to predict exactly how many treatments are needed for an individual’s concerns, there are general guidelines that can be followed. Some people experience immediate improvement, while others notice a more gradual or subtle change in the beginning. Regardless of how your body may react initially, we expect to see noticeable improvement by the third or fourth session. Other factors that may influence your condition, such as lifestyle, diet, exercise, etc. will also be discussed as these will have an impact on how fast you respond to treatment. As a general guideline, the recommended plan for recent injuries or acute conditions is around 6-8 treatments. For chronic conditions the recommended plan is anywhere between 10-20 treatments. 

Each acupuncture treatment builds from the last, so consistency is always the key to success. Most patients are advised to return weekly or twice a week in the initial phase of treatment, then gradually reducing frequency of visits as symptoms improve. Quick results in the beginning are great, however they are generally temporary. For lasting relief it is important to stay consistent and follow the recommended treatment plan for your unique situation. 

What is herbal medicine?

Herbal Medicine dates back even farther than acupuncture. Humans have been using plants for their medicinal properties for tens of thousands of years. In fact, most pharmaceuticals are based on the medicinal properties of plants.

Many pharmaceuticals are highly synthesized versions of specific molecules from medicinal plants. The problem that arises in this case is there are side-effects. The wonderful thing about herbal medicine is when plants are taken in their whole form there are protective properties in the “inactive” ingredients, minimizing side-effects and making this approach gentle, effective, and extremely safe. 

Traditional Chinese Medicine has refined knowledge of medicinal herbs into a system that is useful for hundreds of conditions. Chinese herbal formulas are unique in that they are custom designed to match the patient and treat the underlying cause of disease/symptoms. Herbal Medicine can also enhance any acupuncture treatment, and operates on the same basic principle of promoting balance within the body. 

For those who do not wish to receive acupuncture, herbal formulas can be used as a primary treatment method with equally powerful effects. Chinese Herbs are safe and natural, however they must be prescribed by a licensed professional. Book your consultation to get started!

Looking for Acupuncture in Denver?

Use the link below to schedule an appointment and get started on your path to better health!